“Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the faithful.” Psalm 149:1
Dear Redeemer Family:
Well, it’s September. But, it is September in the year of the coronavirus. So, things have changed. Normally, we would be getting ready to move from the easy going things of summer, and suddenly kick into the high gear routines of the Church cycle which begin in autumn. We can’t do that this year.
Normally, we would be starting up the choirs. But, unfortunately, vocal choir is not permitted. It seems that choir practice is in the top three group events in which the virus is spread. We will be starting handbell practice. But, because of social distancing, that is limited to eight people – four people per table at the front of the church. And, any windblown instrument is strictly forbidden. It seems that my bagpipes are contagious!
Normally, we would be getting ready for Rally Day. But, the guidelines for Sunday School classes with children are also restrictive, with social distancing and masks. So, for the time being, there will be no Sunday School classes for just children. I’m not planning on Confirmation Classes at the moment for the same reasons. And, the highpoint for Rally Day is the potluck dinner. We can’t do that. Meals are forbidden for the time being. Although, I’m sure that things will change when there is a vaccine for the virus, and we can move back to some semblance of normal. There are literally dozens of vaccines being tested worldwide at the moment. Surely, some of them will be approved!
So, what are we to do in the mean time? The answer is in the quote from Psalm 149 above. We will do what we are called to do. And please notice, the verse actually contains two related commands; “Praise the Lord!” with an exclamation mark, and “Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the faithful.” True, we have to sing while wearing masks (maybe that will make it a “new” song). We will continue to worship God. That is the prime duty of the Church, whenever and wherever we are.
As we worship God, we do so with faith, hope and trust. We are confident that in spite of all that is going on in the world, our nation, our community, God is ultimately in control. We may face new restrictions for our safety and that of our neighbors, but we have the freedom to praise God, and sing our songs to Him. By the way, there are loads of hymns in the red hymnal that we haven’t even touched upon. Perhaps in this continued slowed down time we can delve into some of them, and face a happier and newly “tuneful” singing of God’s praise in the assembly of the faithful.
Everyone please stay safe, as well as faithful, hopeful and trusting!
In Christ,
Pastor Rose