Redeemer Lutheran of DeSoto, Missouri is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Visitors are always welcome at our worship services. We are ‘Making Christ Known’ by faith, worship and witness to get the message of Jesus Christ to all people.
Click to read: What we believe
Redeemer actively participates in helping the less fortunate in our area through the DeSoto Ministerial Alliance, DeSoto Contact and DeSoto Food Pantry. Our preschool has been educating young children with a Christian emphasis for over 30 years. Our WELCA womens group hosts 2 community dinners and 2 rummage sales per year with most of the funds raised going to helping the local needy, underwriting costs for our preschool & vacation Bible school and other Christian ministries. Redeemer Lutheran offers multiple opportunities for Bible study on a weekly and monthly basis.
We would be honored to have you as our guest at our Sunday morning service at 8 or 10:30 am.
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