“But the angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised, as he said.” Matthew 28:5-6a
Dear Redeemer Family:
We now celebrate the season, which is central to our faith, Easter. Christ is raised victorious from the dead by the glory of the Father. It is the most glorious event in all of history. But it cannot really be explained. It can only be proclaimed. The angel in the lesson above just tells the women very matter of factly, “He has been raised.” But that is really all that needs to be said.
Years ago, I heard the story of a pastor who got up to preach on Easter Sunday to his congregation. He walked up to the pulpit, jumped as high as he could with his arms outstretched over his head, and cried out as loud as he could, “He is risen!” He then turned around and went back to his seat. Some people in his congregation were shocked. They expected more. But he delivered what is considered by many to be the best, and most succinct, sermon on the Resurrection. He said it all. He said it well. He said what needed to be said.
Again, the traditional exchange of greetings on Easter Sunday is like it. “He is risen.” “He is risen, indeed.” That says it all.
We are saved. He has won the victory. And so, rejoice. Alleluia! Have a blessed Easter, day and season!
He is risen! He is risen, indeed!
Pastor Rose