“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love.” Psalm 51:1
Dear Redeemer Family:
The above verse from Psalm 51 could well be called “The Gathering Cry for the Season of Lent.” The
psalm was written by King David when he was really out of line, and had been called on the carpet by
Nathan the Prophet. David was in big trouble, and he knew it. His response before God was one of open,
and very extreme, repentance. As we enter into Lent, we too are called to repentance. Repentance is one
of the underlying and consistent themes of the Season of Lent. It always has been. Being at the same
time “saints and sinners,” we know that. We also know our need of repenting. We know that the sinner
part is always standing in our way of being in a better relationship with God.
This month, we begin the Season of Lent once more. It is our annual journey in our own wilderness. We
know that we don’t live perfect lives. And we know that no one does. We know that we live in an
imperfect world. Recent world events remind us of that fact daily. But, that saint part of us drives us to
strive to be better. There is a desire for improvement; for ourselves, for others and for the world.
I believe that that is why Lent is a very important part of the Church Year. In the midst of the glory of
Easter, and the wonder of Christmas, we know that there is a 40-day journey coming every year when we
can try to be better. It is an annual opportunity when we can literally turn our lives around, if not
completely, at least partially. That isn’t surprising. The word “repent” literally means to turn around 180
degrees. It is a word which demands action, personal action.
In that area of personal repentance, Lent gives us some spiritual tools. There are added Lenten Services.
There are added devotions. There is time for circumspection. These are reinforced by times of Bible
study. Times of delving into God’s Word and examining our lives in light of insights. It is a time of
discipline, education and application.
I invite you all to attend our Wednesday evening Lenten services. The emphases for this series are;
Faithfulness, Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness and Love. All of these are excellent areas of
self-examination for all Christians.
May you have a blessed Lent.
In Christ, Pastor Rose