April 2019

“I will lift the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.” Psalm 116:13

Dear Redeemer Family:

On the night of the Jewish Passover, the most sacred of Jewish Festivals commemorating when God brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, as the family eat the Seder Meal, somewhere during that time, the youngest person present asks “The Question.” It is, “Why is this night different from all other nights?” The oldest person there present then reviews all that God had done to save His chosen people from slavery in Egypt, and how God brought them out with “a mighty hand.” This has been repeated in every Jewish home on that night for nearly 4,000 years! Why? Because it is important, very important!

In the same way, as we proceed through the Season of Lent, we recall, remember and hold dear, all that our Lord has done for us. The Season of Lent is a review, if you will, of Jesus’ steady and unflinching walk to Jerusalem and the waiting cross, all done to secure our salvation. It is important to remember that our salvation comes at a very high cost, the life of the Son of God. The Author of Life gives up His life for the life of the world. It is a tremendous act of love for us all. It is something which we hold on to and cherish.

The salvation of the Israelites cost the Egyptians the lives of their first born all the way to the first born of Pharaoh. But the salvation of the world comes at the price of the life of God’s only begotten Son. This is the greatest act of grace God has ever done. But it does not end there.

Lent, and the story of the journey of our salvation, does not end at the foot of the cross. No. It ends, and begins in a strange sort of way, at the empty tomb. It is there that the Lenten journey really ends, and where our redemption is secured. At the door to the tomb, with stone rolled away, and burial cloths left behind, we can truly behold the glory of God’s plan and act of salvation for us. For it is there, in the emptiness, that all is fulfilled. There we know that Jesus, the Author of Life, cannot be held by death. He bursts death’s bonds, and destroys the power of sin and evil in one overpowering act. He is raised. And we behold, and testify to the wonder of it!

Why is this Easter morning different from all other mornings? Because it is on that morning, God freed us from all that would enslave us. And for that, we must always remember, believe, and cry out in praise!

In Christ,
Pastor Rose

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